Ardhabaddha Padma Paschimottanasana a.ka. “Half Bound Foot Forward Bend Pose” is a seated forward bend position that works your abdominal organs and helps dissolves fat from the waistline.
How to get into the position
From Dandasana or ‘Staff Pose’ i.e. sitting on the floor with both of your legs stretched out in front of you - fold your right leg into half lotus on top of the left thigh and reach around your back with your right hand and bind with the toe. Then inhale and raise your arm above your head to elongate your spine and turn your chest forward whilst sitting back on your sitting bones. Then exhale and fold forward (sitting back on your sitting bones) grasping your left foot with your left hand fixing your vision on your big toe.
Hold the position for five full breaths. On the inhalation, extend your spine. On the exhalation, lift your elbows and move your shoulders forward to fold forward.
Do not be tempted to pull your foot to increase the forward fold position and do not look down; always look forward when forward bending to avoid arching your back. In addition, do not force the half-lotus ; your heals should be in the centre.
Ardhabaddha Padma Paschimottanasana:
Stimulates and tones the abdominal organs
Stretches the shoulder joints and hip joints
It stretches the back muscles and increases blood circulation to the spinal nerves
It increases the flexibility of the knee joints
Stimulates the liver, kidneys, ovaries, and uterus
It stretches and tones the hamstrings and calf muscles
Contraindications and Cautions
Avoid this posture if you have any issues with your lower back.
Damian is an authorised teacher of Prana Vashya Yoga. To book a class with Damian you can contact him by:
Tel: 0777 900 1896
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Instagram: cadmanjonesdamian