tatah-aṇimā-adi-prādurbhāvaḥ kaya-saṃpat-tad-dharmā-anabhighātah-ca
As a result, miniaturisation, etc., manifest as well as bodily perfections and immunity from the elements.
Samyama discussed in the previous sutra results in eight extraordinary powers (siddhis), as follows:
1. aṇimā the power to reduce size to the smallest particles
2. Laghimā the power of absolute lightness
3. Garimā the power to make yourself an immovable heavy object
4. Mahimā the power of expansion
5. Prāpti the ability to reach out and touch anything
6. Prākāmya the power of utmost efficiency
7. Vaśitva the power to control the elements of the universe
8. Iśitva sovereignty over all beings
In addition, you can also achieve physical perfection and bodily immunity.
Damian Cadman-Jones is an authorised teacher of Prana Vashya Yoga™