tad-uparāgā-apekṣitvāt-cittasya vastu jñātā-ajñātaṃ
whether or not the object is known depends upon the power of attraction and the colouring of perception.
What does perception or the absence of the same depend on? Here, Patanjali explains that only that which resonates with you attracts the mind’s eye and two conditions are necessary for this:
It must catch your attention or attract you or bemuses you for your mind to notice, or else you can walk right pass the elephant in the room and not see it!
Your mind must then respond by showing a personal interest so as to take the object into consideration.
If the above conditions are not present, then the mind will not latch onto it. Perception is thus partial, illusory coloured, altered, bias.
Damian Cadman-Jones is an authorised teacher of Prana Vashya Yoga™