Yoga Sutra 3.16pariṇāma-traya-saṁyamāt-atīta-anāgata-jñānam Profound understanding on the three types of transformation comes knowledge of the past and...
Yoga Sutra 3.15krama-anyatvaṁ pariṇāma-anyatve hetuḥ Different steps result in distinct changes Patañjali tells us that every change is the result or...
Yoga Sutra 3.14śānta-udita-avyapadeśya-dharma-anupātī dharmī The underlying substance is retained in the past, present and future characteristics...
Yoga Sutra 3.12tataḥ punaḥ śānta-uditau tulya-pratyayau cittasya-ekāgratā-pariṇāmaḥ Then the minds one-pointedness concentration changes again, when its...