Yoga Sutra 2.04Yoga sutra 2.04 Avidya ksetram-uttaresam-prasupta-tanu-vicchinna-udaranam Ignorance is the place of germination of I-am-ness whether...
Yoga Sutra 1.50Yoga sutra 1.50 tajjas-saṁskārāh-anya-saṁskāra pratibandhī The conditioning that arises from cultivating wisdom counteracts bad habits...
Yoga Sutra 1.43Yoga sutra 1.43 Smr̥ti-pariśuddhau svarūpa-śūnyeva-arthamātra-nirbhāsā nirvitarkā When memory is thoroughly purified as if empty, and the...
Urdhva Mukha PaschimottanasanaUrdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana aka ‘upward face intense west side stretch pose’ is, as the name suggests, an intense leg stretch...
Eka Pada PadangusthasanaEka Pada Padangusthasana aka ‘pistol squat pose’ is a tough core strengthening pose which requires flexibility in your hips. How to get...
The Chakras explained and Chakra meditation “Chakra” literally means spinning wheel. Your life energy (also known as your ‘prana’ or ‘Qi’ -pronounced “chi”) is like electricity...
Visual (object or image) Meditation TechniqueWith this Visual Meditation Technique, you need to choose an image or object to meditate on; it could be an image of buddha or simply a...
Chanting; the swasti bhavatu mantra Chanting is an ancient practice applied in Prana Vashya Yoga™. When you chant mantras, your mind relaxes which decreases any negative...
Yoga, plants and happiness With lockdown and our increasing dependency on information technology, a great deal of stress has been put on us. Controlling this stress...