Yoga Sutra 3.30
Kantha-kupe ksut-pipasa-nivrittih Cessation of hunger and thrust [comes from saṁyama] on the throat centre. The throat cavity is the...
Yoga Sutra 3.30
Yoga Sutra 3.05
Yoga Sutra 2.55
Yoga Sutra 2.51
Yoga Sutra 2.43
Yoga Sutra 2.38
Yoga Sutra 2.26
Yoga Sutra 2.23
Yoga: Summer Solstice 2021
Yoga; a treatment for panic attacks?
Eka Pada Padangusthasana
Group classes will resume at the Prana Vashya Yoga™ Studio from Monday 17th May 2021!
Dynamic meditation
Who is your life-partner?
Visual (object or image) Meditation Technique
Chanting; the swasti bhavatu mantra
Yoga, plants and happiness